Friday 11 November 2011

Don't be obsesse to your loved

One of the most weakest point in most of women is to expect his man to follow her desires.Some women are more emotional and assume that the man shares these same feelings and desires. However, this can be a sure fire way to push the "man of your dreams" out of your life.
There are situations where you would  want to spend your time with your guy rather letting him out with his friends. However forcing him to spend with you results in pulling further away from you. Encourage his feelings, let him do what he likes. Let him know that you want him to have a good time and to spend as much time with them as he'd like. If you’re able to support his feelings, then he believes you want what is best for him, and that will strengthen your relationship. The key to a healthy relationship is balance. 

If your only interest is him, then he's going to lose interest in you.couples need time apart to reestablish their individual identities. All of us tend to become obsessive at the beginning of a relationship.24hrs don’t call him and text him.If you cant control yourself,switch off and throw your mobile aside,divert your a friend go outside.After being a time apart, set up a time in a day to reconnect,for suppose ask him to meet him later for a dinner.This will be very effective to connect after being apart.

 Taking time for yourself isn't selfish. If you aren't the best person you can be, then you can't expect to be the person you need to be for your significant other. Only focusing on your loved one is not all your life. visit friends, learn something on your interests, read books, or pick those hobbies at your past, that are set aside.

Another key is to letting him know you understand the importance of his hobbies and interests, too. You create a bonding situation by suggesting that  both of you go to place which is of interest to him or give him a chance a listen to his interests, so that you feels spending with him and he will be also sharing his thoughts. Learn his body language. Ask questions, but not too many. Listen whatever he says, letting him know you are available when he wants.Whenever discussing about sensitive matter don’t react and extend discussion.

Don't change yourself for a guy. Give him space enough to miss you but never leave it long enough for him too forget and stop needing you !.

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